Motorbike transfer from Munich to Marina

Kategorija: Motociklističke ture

The task was to transfer 3 new motorcycles from our dealer in Leipzig, BMW Müller, to Croatia. Because these motorcycles should be there in our motorcycle rental office in 21212, Kaštel Sućurac, at Cesta Dr. Franje Tuđmana 260, to be used for rental. Of course, we also use these motorcycles for our tours across southern Europe and of course the Balkans.

Anyway, we first brought the bikes to Munich by truck and we all met there in Munich in a hotel. You could really rely on Thomas, Tamara and Heinz.
The next morning we set off for the upcoming 1000 km. Actually, we had planned for 3 days. No stress and no hassle. The motorcycles were also new and should come to the BMW dealer in Split for the entry check.

Immediately after leaving, however, we thought that we all wanted to come to Croatia as quickly as possible. So the change was on the plan, we'll do it in 2 days.
Not a problem at all, although we actually arrived in Marina Croatia around midnight on the 2nd day.

The ride was fantastic and as I said, the 3 was absolutely reliable.
A big thank you for going through this with us.


Day 1 from München to Comèlico Superiore (Italy)


Day 2 from Comèlico Superiore to Marina (Split-Croatia)



rental office moto tranfer moto rental bmw motorradvermietung bmw motorradtouren bmw automobile müller paunsdorf, leipzig