Traffic regulations in Europe - Bosnia Herzegovina
Traffic regulations in Europe - Bosnia Herzegovina
Kategorija: Prometni propisi u Europi
What should be considered on a motorcycle tour to or through Bosnia and Herzegovina? What documents do you need to bring with you? MotoGS WorldTours and MotoGS Rental provide you with answers to your most important questions.
Errors and omissions excepted - all information without guarantee.
Pay attention:
To be mentioned right at the beginning, as it is important to know: Foreigners who do not have a place of residence in Bosnia and Herzegovina can be taken into custody in the event of accidents during the investigation procedure. Whether a deposit is possible can often not be clarified in general terms. Both the automobile clubs and the Federal Foreign Office advise driving cautiously and defensively on the road.
Special traffic rules:
According to the traffic regulations in Bosnia, radar detectors may not be used via mobile phones or navigation devices. Use will be punished. Another peculiarity regarding the traffic rules in Bosnia is that motorcyclists are not allowed to wear earplugs while riding. Also interesting to know, even pedestrians are penalized for wearing earplugs in traffic.
Traffic fines:
If motorcyclists have violated the traffic rules in Bosnia due to carelessness or ignorance, the amounts due are often demanded on site. Since there is no enforcement agreement between Bosnia and Germany, as well as many other EU countries and all non-EU countries, fines cannot be prosecuted. However, unpaid fines can lead to problems when entering the country again and prevent them completely or at least prevent them until the amount has been paid. If you pay the fine immediately on site, this is usually halved. The limitation period is usually two years. In the case of a rented motorcycle, the lessor is of course initially liable and, if you did not pay the fine yourself immediately on site, he must demand reimbursement of the costs for the fine from you at considerable additional costs. Conclusion: Pay the fine for the traffic violation you caused yourself immediately, because that saves money and nerves for everyone involved.
Away from regular roads:
If you are traveling by motorcycle in Bosnia, you should always be aware that it is not advisable to leave the paved roads. Because there is still a risk of mines in some parts of the country. Riding at night is also not advisable in certain regions, as the road condition can be very bad in some sections and the markings are insufficient or non-existent.
Speed limits
In Bosnia and Herzegovina there is a speed limit of 130km/h for motorcycles on motorways. You can ride up to 100km/h on expressways and ride 80km/h on other roads. In built-up areas, the maximum speed is 50 km/h.
Important documents:
The registration certificate Part I (or vehicle registration document) must be carried with you.
The German motorcycle license plate number is sufficient as proof of valid motor vehicle liability insurance. It is also necessary to have the IVK – international insurance card (formerly the green card, including BIH) with you. This is recommended anyway, since the IVK will make it easier to settle any claims.
An identity card for EU citizens is sufficient and must be carried. In other words, the identity card for EU citizens is sufficient for a tourist stay of up to 90 days within a period of 6 months. However, it is always advisable to have your passport with you. No matter which ID, the document must be valid for at least 3 months when you leave the country. Always remember that Bosnia and Herzegovina is only a candidate for accession to the EU, but not yet a member of the EU. For non-EU citizens, the passport must be carried.
Driving licence:
The German driving license is sufficient. Otherwise, all other driving licenses from all EU countries are also valid in Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, it is advisable to always have an international driver's license with you, but this is not an absolute requirement. For non-EU citizens, the international driver's license is highly recommended.
Health insurance:
If you want to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina, you should definitely take out private international health insurance, since e.g., German health insurance companies do not reimburse the costs for transport to suitable centers or back to Germany. In principle, all travelers to Bosnia and Herzegovina, regardless of their country of origin, should take out international health insurance. This can be done easily here via Global Rescue. Surely this type of insurance protection is a bit more expensive than other providers. However, as the name suggests, this type of coverage is built on Rescue. Therefore not comparable. However, this should not be understood as advertising, it is a simple recommendation.
Helmets are compulsory:
Only helmets that comply with ECE standard 22 are permitted.
Safety vests:
Safety vests must be carried and worn in the event of a breakdown. We also recommend always having a motorcycle warning triangle, a small first aid kit and a warning light with you just in case.
Daytime running lights:
Motorcycles must also be ridden with headlights on during the day.
Rented motorcycle in Bosnia:
If the trip is to take place with a rental motorcycle, it is important to note that this is usually only possible from the age of 21. In this case, riders must also have held their driving license for at least one year. It can also happen that the motorcycle rental companies require a minimum age for riders anyway.
In addition, riders who travel abroad on a motorcycle that is not registered in their name must carry a user permit with them to be on the safe side.
This permit can be downloaded from the following link.
Alcohol regulation:
The blood alcohol limit is 0.3 and there is an absolute ban on alcohol for novice riders with less than 3 years of driving license and persons under 21 years of age.
Another special feature:
Another special feature for novice drivers. Traffic rules in Bosnia state that riders under the age of 23 who have not held their driving license for a year are not allowed to ride between 11pm and 5am.
The use of the A1 motorway is subject to a toll. Since we are compiling information for motorcycling here and actually do not use motorways or other toll routes in this regard, we do not want to go into detail about the toll.
Event of emergency:
The emergency numbers in Bosnia and Herzegovina are 112 and 911.
As of 06/25/2023

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